A Caretakers Best Friend
Get the Help You Need At Home

A compassionate Solution All Around
One Time Purchase
We understand the daily struggles of a caretaker go far beyond a typical 8 hour day. Regardless of the task, you’re on call 24/7 to give a hand and protect your loved one. Unfortunately, stress is not the only issue that you have to deal with, heavy lifting in awkward positions and financial burdens can further complicate your life. So let us Lighten your load. Consider the Throne Buttler as your full-time helper ready to assist day and night with no advanced warning needed, so that your loved one can reclaim their throne.
Annual Fees?
As your mom always said, A stitch in time saves nine, so let the Throne Buttler handle the heavy lifting in the bathroom. There is no benefit to your loved one if you hurt yourself in the process of helping them transfer on and off the toilet. Often the inability to use the bathroom safely can be the deciding factor in moving into an assisted living facility. On average the cost of an assisted living community range between $4,000 to $8,300 per month which are not typically covered by Medicare. Beyond giving peace of mind, the Throne Buttler can save you both time and money.
The Buttler Benefit
Easy Installation
Throne Buttler does not require any plumbing modifications to install and can be removed or relocated to a different room without the use of tools. Simply remove the existing toilet seat, slide Throne Buttler over the bowl and plug it in.
Durable Engineering
Throne Buttler’s lift and tilt mechanism has a weight capacity of up to 350 lbs and allows toilet users to effortlessly transition between stand-to-sit and sit-to-stand movements.
Streamlined Design
The handset controls are securely held in the safety cage at an easy-to-reach, hard-to-lose position while the lifting mechanism is encased to remove the risk of pinpoint injury.
Simple Operation
Equipped with automatic brakes, a GCFI power cord and a simple, two-button controller that allows you to move up or down onto your toilet seat with safety and precision, this cheeky lift makes going to the loo as easy as 1 and 2.
A Compassionate Solution
Whether your bathroom habits have been hindered by injury, illness or elderly age, Throne Buttler allows you to reclaim your throne with dignity. It also gives caretakers peace of mind and helps them avoid injury in bathroom transitions.
Comprehensive Safety
Throne Buttler features innovative safety features such as a magnetic latch to securely hold your toilet lid open while in use as well as a steel safety cage that is fixed in place for stability and peace of mind.